What a year it has been fellow salon professionals. We have been hit with one of our hardest work years to date. To say its been tough for us all is an understatement.
We are inherently workaholics. Grafted our entire working life to build our businesses that not only are we so proud of we are so emotionally invested in because we know just how much time, effort, hard work and belief to create it.
However, hopefully this month we will see the end of our salon doors being closed & finally get the go ahead to be able to return to a new kind of normality and work freedom again. I have everything crossed for this.
Like you all I have found it incredibly tough to be at home and at times have felt like my wings have been clipped at times. I’m sure iv not been a pleasure to be around some days. :D

BUT what I do feel that has come from this is a huge time of reflection for us all. We get so bogged down daily with responsibilities that we tend to go on auto pilot. Before we know it, we are just in a cycle we aren’t quite sure we chose in the first place we just chased the work.
So when this lock-down came it made us all STOP. This gave us time for starters if your anything like me to just actually rest. Which in turn made me realise how blooming tired I actually was. Then start reflecting on what I wanted from my career and work/ life balance. Iv found new clarity and direction and the spiritual side in me feels way more connected to myself that I did before. I had become so committed, intent and driven that I lost all sense of myself at times. I think that’s what happens when we are working towards goals. So lock-down for me have given me time to reflect which I am grateful for.
I also think it has brought an industry that at times has been fiercely competitive and divided together more. There is so much more support, relating to each other and support in this industry which after nearly 20yrs in this I am so pleased to see. This is exactly what we need. Females supporting females. Now when we do eventually go back we will have more understanding, respect for each other and be able to call on fellow local therapist friends if we need that support again.
So lets look at ways we can be more positive, productive and just get ready in a good manner to come back with a bang!
I’m sure your all the same we have revamped our little work-spaces, organised them within an inch of their lives and got enough PPE to kit out an army so all our clients will be super protected and looked after to the highest of our abilities when we return because this is what we do. From day one we have the Importance of health & hygiene in workplace drummed into us so we know this, even before then pandemic we lived it. Just a few more additions to make it covid19 safe and we are there.

Lets use this time to reconnect with our clients, post excitement on our pages that we must be next to open and just enjoy the last bit of time off work with our family before the mayhem commences. Lets hope it wont be too much longer before we can open our doors and business can resume. I for one are with you all in saying get me back doing what I love.
Heres to coming back stronger than ever, with our heads held high and reuniting with our clients.
Mucho Love Alex xxx