Ever been at that stage in your career where you're busy, diaries full, you should be grateful but you're absolutely exhausted with no time for anything?
You tell yourself things like.....
I'm busy. Why aren't I seeing profits as much?
Why can't I say no?
Why are therapists half my age progressing more than I am?
I have no time for myself.
Why am I constantly knackered with no energy to be the person I want to be in my home life?
Let me tell you this.....
LOTS of therapists are in this exact position, and instead of making positive changes to grow, they make excuses like.....
I can't say no to my clients.
I enjoy doing this (really?)
It's not as easy as just changing.
It matters to me what people think, so I don't want to take risks & lose clients.
I'm not good enough to progress. Everyone around me says I'm better off staying where I am. I can't give it up.
Sound familiar?
I hear this ALL the time. Sometimes, in phrases like the above where at that point the therapist hasn't actually worked out that they're stagnant and haven't grown in a while.
Here's what you need to know.....
While you're waiting, they're therapists with half your experience making strides.
You'll never be ready, so don't even think that's an option.
Other people's opinions of you, don't pay the bills.
You got one shot at this. Why are you dragging your heels?
Sounds harsh, but it's true.
This industry needs a shake up & a shake around.
If you do anything this year, it's bloody believe in yourself, be your own best friend, get out of your head, queen & into your heart's space.
It's your time to rise!
Why not try something different and learn how to take charge and grow your business?
At this stage it's not about skill, it's about knowledge & making the right decisions to grow!
I can't tell you how many professionals I meet each year just like this, yet stay the same for years because they dont invest or believe they can benefit from support to grow and expand their mindset.
Please don't let that be you!
Love Alex xx