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Have you ever thought what life lessons you'll teach your kids??

Have you ever thought what life lessons you'll teach your kids?? TWO things stunt businesses...... 1. Starting out with no strategic plan to develop consistent growth. 2. Complacency when the growth is there. I think there's a lot to be said about this & life too. So let's delve into 1. We start out with a dream, all hope & excitement, but what about actively planning WHAT we are going to do & HOW we are going to get there?? If this isn't in place what tends to happen is people put a lot of hope into just 'winging' it & seeing how it goes! Seriously, can you afford to run a business just seeing how it goes in this day & age??

If the plans aren't in place, our confidence gets knocked because we tend to feel like we have zero control over how our business builds because we lack the tools to achieve it. That's a dangerous place to be in because it can seriously affect our mindset, happiness & ability to believe in yourselves...

Now let's look at 2. I have met & seen some incredibly successful salon owners & freelancers throughout my years One thing ALWAYS stood out. When the diary gets continually full for long periods of time we can tend to take our eye off the ball because we believe we have in effect 'made it' when really this is all the consistency planning & hard work paying off. BUT what alot then do is stop doing ALL the things they were doing to build & naturally in turn clients drop off. Again dangerous territory because it will then knock confidence & self believe. This can also be dropping activity in the little things like rapport, customer service etc..... When I think about this, I think about how it cross pollinates into life too. If we just see how it goes in the long term, ultimately we go nowhere fast. Also, if we stop doing the things we did to achieve what we have, it tends to mean things get stale & stagnant. The more I learned about life & business, the more I realised it isn't industry specific at all. Business is business. That in itself is a skill we learn. That's definitely something il be teaching my boy! Productivity, direction, commitment & consistency will win the race every single day! If you do anything this week be consistent!

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Love Alex xx

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