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Creating Bespoke Facials to Suit Client’s Needs & Give Clear Choices.

As a therapist it can be so daunting working out price lists & treatments. Especially if we are new. We are just out of qualifying then have a barrage of tasks to do. Pair that with the pressure we put on ourselves to have everything perfect and it is a recipe for some severe stress and anxiety around creating a productive price list.

If your anything like I was I went round collecting menus from salon to get ideas. When reading them what I realised was that even as a qualified professional I was confused by the choices. I found myself thinking well, I suit a few of these I think so how do I make the right choice? I find sometimes giving clients lots of choices and having lots to offer is naturally what we want to do. However I find it can confuse clients on their choices. Plus how can we expect our clients to tell US what they want when WE are the professionals so wouldn’t it be better to devise bespoke facials around consultation and set cost appointments which then gives the therapist time in that appointment to create a tailored treatment for the clients which is in their price range, our profit margin and in turn enables us to have free reign to create some real results?

That is when I started flipping it round thinking how can I make this more tailored for my client? Not just that also how can I do this while remaining professional in my treatment price list and give clear descriptions?

I decided to map out time slots for facials and costing them by working out how many facial methods, they can have in that time out of what I offer.

I worked out three facial options. All dependant on affordability & time. Here’s how I structured it.

Skin Burst Facial 30mins.

Enjoy one of the following....Dermaplane, Skin peel, Diamond dermabrasion express skin treatment.

Skin Lux Facial 1hr.

Enjoy two of the following....Dermaplane, Skin peel, Hydro dermabrasion, LED Light Therapy luxury skin treatments tailored to your skin including a steam cleanse.

The Works Facial 90mins

Enjoy three of the following....Dermaplane, Skin peel, hydro- dermabrasion, LED Light therapy skin treatment tailored to suit your skin including a steam cleanse and a massage.

The above all have different prices dependant on the timescale however it gives the therapist the freedom to be able to give the client what they need. Not just that it creates a great experience for the client and therapist as they client knows how much the appointment will cost as they chose what they would like for affordability.

I haven’t put cost per facial as this will depend on the area however my recommendation is to look at the average cost in your area, break down the cost of products & rate per hour when working this out.

I hope this helps lovelies, let me know your

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